Thank Heaven! the crisis-
The danger is past,
And the lingering illness
Is over at last-
And the fever called "Living"
Is conquered at last.
One last fling before reclining into a proper, artistic, morbid isolation:
'Biggest party ever?' you might ask yourself. It's no hyperbole.
We are combining birthday parties, going aways, and house-warmings into one massive collision of festival this upcoming weekend!
Gordon is going away for probably ever. He arrives in Cambodia with a local Cambodian evangelist on the 19th, his birthday. Brian, rather than leaving, is just settling into his Aurora casa (affectionately named 'Borealis'). His birthday is on the ninth. So the first big Aurora party will be Gordon's last. But, hey, at least everybody got born.
Saturday, September 11, 2004,
6:00 P.M. until midnight-ish
Click for directions from a familiar location
Take Hampden east to I-25 southbound. Very next exit is I-225; take that to Parker. Turn right (southeast) on Parker. Second exit is Hampden; turn left (east). Go past Chambers, Buckley, and Tower, and turn left at the top of the hill past Tower at Ceylon. Ceylon 'T's; turn right onto Flanders. Take Flanders to East Bates Drive (one block south of the stop sign at Bates Ave.). Turn right on Bates; I'm 4 houses down -- 19659. If my driveway is already full, park back on Flanders rather than in the neighbor's lawn.
And oh! of all tortures
That torture the worst
Has abated- the terrible
Torture of thirst
For the naphthaline river
Of Passion accurst:-
I have drunk of a water
That quenches all thirst...
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