An idea hatchery. Exploring ideas dreamt, written, and lived. Diversely concerned with Invention, Literature, Music, Psychology/Sociology, Service, Communication, Art, Journalism, Resource Mangagement, Film, and Story.
Distinct from

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Blog distinction

This is the original FlannCo web log.  I migrated its most interesting content to in June of 2010. I intended to keep this around for cross posting but then decided that cross posting is for people who have an unlimited supply of time and energy.  So I resolved to retain it as a placeholder and occasionally link to the new blog's content (example).

As the Flannery Correspondence idea is growing in importance and professionalism (at least in my mind), I am inclined to keep devoted to clean, clear, refined writing about correspondence, our family and how Gypsies may build castles.  As for this blog,, I am redefining it for any flow-of-consciousness ideas that I do not have time to explore but may test on the open internet before they are ripe.  Rename:  FlannCo Flow, to reflect the rushing issue of ideas, many uncaught or un-catchable that float past without second thought.

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