An idea hatchery. Exploring ideas dreamt, written, and lived. Diversely concerned with Invention, Literature, Music, Psychology/Sociology, Service, Communication, Art, Journalism, Resource Mangagement, Film, and Story.
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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Child drawings: Religion

Lana has been jumping into this Judeo-Christian legacy with both feet.  Some of her religious development overflows into her art:

Moses leading the Israelites through the Red Sea on dry ground with the water standing tall beside (including fish and a whale).

Jesus (glowing), a cross and an empty tomb.

When I asked her about this creepy crucifixion, she said it was just a mistake.  The holes in the hands are actually just the palms of the hands.  She forgot to draw fingers.  It's not Jesus or Spartacus; it's Lana.  Should've known from the smile and nervous eyes.

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